ARB Calendar

FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Melbourne (Australia) @ Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library
Jun 26 – Jul 4 all-day
FIDE Arbiters' Seminar in Melbourne (Australia) @ Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library

The FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 26/6/2021 to 4/7/2021 in Melbourne, Australia by the Chess Victoria Inc (CV) and Australian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The venue of the Seminar will be the Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library (Corner Cotham Road and Civic Drive, Kew VIC 3101. Australia).
The Lecturer will be IA Tsai, Peter (AUS), FIDE Lecturer.
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.


Saturday 26 June
9:00-11:00 Laws of Chess (including Rapid, Blitz)
11:30 – 13:00 Laws of Chess (including Rapid, Blitz)
14:00 – 16:00 Laws of Chess (case studies)
Sunday 27 June
9:00-11:00 Competition Rules and standards of chess equipment
11:30 – 13:00 System of Games, tie breaks
14:00 – 16:00 Regulations for the rating and the over‐the‐board titles
Saturday 3 July
9:00-11:00 Swiss system and pairing rules
11:30 – 13:00 Swiss system and pairing rules (case study)
14:00 – 16:00 Regulations for the titles of the Arbiters
Sunday 4 July
9:00-11:00 Anti‐cheating guidelines for Arbiters
11:30 – 12:00 Use of the electronic clocks.
13:00 – 16:00 Examination

100th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (National Chess Federation of the Philippines) @ Online
Jul 16 @ 1:00 pm – Jul 18 @ 7:00 pm
100th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (National Chess Federation of the Philippines) @ Online
The 100th Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 16/07/2021 to 18/07/2021 by the Asian Chess Federation and National Chess Federation of the Philippines, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abundo, Casto (PHI), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Cruz, Reden (PHI), FIDE Lecturer.
The language of the Seminar will be English with translation into Pilipino.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.

16 July 2021: 13:00-19:00
Laws of Chess including Online Regulations

17 July 2021: 13:00-19:00
Tournament Rules, System of Games, Tie Breaks, Swiss System and Pairing Rules

18 July 2021: 13:00-19:00
Regulations for Rating and Title, Regulations for Arbiter titles, Anti-cheating Guidelines

101st Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Iranian Chess Federation) @ Online Course in the ZOOM app & Paper-Based Exam
Jul 28 – Aug 1 all-day
101st Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (Iranian Chess Federation) @ Online Course in the ZOOM app & Paper-Based Exam
The 101st Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 28/07/2021 to 01/08/2021 by the Iranian Chess Federation and Asian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Pahlevanzadeh, Mehrdad (IRI), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Hashemi, Amir Erfan (IRI).
The language of the Seminar will be English with Persian translation.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.

28 July 2021 (Saturday)
09:00 – 13:00 Laws of Chess
14:00 – 18:00 Laws of Chess (including Rapid, Blitz & Cases)

29 July 2021 (Sunday)
09:00 -11:00 Competition Rules and standards of chess equipment
11:15 – 13:00 System of Games, tie breaks
14:00 – 18:00 Regulations for the rating and the OTB titles

30 July 2021 (Monday)
9:00-11:00 Swiss system and pairing rules
11:15 – 13:00 Swiss system and pairing rules (case study)
14:00 – 18:00 Regulations for the titles of the Arbiters

31 July 2021(Tuesday)
9:00-11:00 Anti‐cheating guidelines for Arbiters
1 August 2021: Examination

102nd Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Asian Chess Federation) @ Online
Aug 20 – Aug 22 all-day
102nd Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (Asian Chess Federation) @ Online
The 102nd Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 20/08/2021 to 22/08/2021 by the Asian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abundo, Casto (PHI), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Cruz, Reden (PHI).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.

20 August 2021: 09:00-15:00 (Dubai time)
Laws of Chess including Online Regulations

21 August 2021: 09:00-15:00 (Dubai time)
Tournament Rules, System of Games, Tie Breaks, Swiss System and Pairing Rules

22 August 2021: 09:00-15:00 (Dubai time)
Regulations for Rating and Title, Regulations for Arbiter titles, Anti-cheating Guidelines

104th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Egyptian Chess Federation – English) @ Online
Nov 4 – Nov 7 all-day
104th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (Egyptian Chess Federation - English) @ Online
The 104th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 4/11/2021 to 7/11/2021 by the Tatweer Chess Academy (T.C.A.) and Egyptian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abdulrahim, Mahdi (UAE), FIDE Lecturer and Technical Organizer will be FA Ali, Obay (SUD).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.
Thursday 4th November 2021 (17:00 – 21:30 GMT)
17:00 – 18:45, FIDE Laws of Chess. (Standard, Rapid & Blitz)
19:00 – 20:30, New laws and regulations. (Cases)
20:45 – 21:30, Arbiters’ titles regulations. (effective from July 2021)

Friday 5th November 2021 (17:00 – 22:30 GMT)
17:00 – 18:30, Basics of organizing events and FIDE competition rules
18:45 – 20:15, Tournament Regulations, and setting DGT clocks.
20:30 – 22:30, Pairing rules, Swiss System and Tie-Break Systems

Saturday 6th November 2021 (17:00 – 23:00 GMT)
17:00 – 19:00, Rating Regulations and players titles. (effective from February 2021)
19:15 – 20:45, Hybrid and online regulations, and Anti-Cheating Guidelines
21:00 – 23:00, Case-Studies, debatable situations, and F.A.Q.

Sunday 5th November 2021 (17:00 – 21:00 GMT)
17:00 – 21:00, FIDE Examination Test.

FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Terme Catez (ECU – Slovenia) @ Terme Čatež S.p.A.
Nov 14 @ 9:00 am – Nov 18 @ 1:00 pm
FIDE Arbiters' Seminar in Terme Catez (ECU - Slovenia) @ Terme Čatež S.p.A.

The FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 14/11/2021 to 18/11/2021 in Terme Catez, Slovenia, by the European Chess Union, under the auspices of FIDE.
The venue of the Seminar will be the Terme Čatež S.p.A. – Terme Čatež d.d., Topliška 35, 8250 Brežice.

The Lecturer will be IA Prokopova, Jirina (CZE), FIDE Lecturer and the Assistant Lecturer will be IA Karali, Tania (GRE).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.


Nov. 14th
09:00 – 13:00 Laws of Chess (including Rapid, Blitz)
Nov. 15
09:00 – 11:00 Competition Rules and standards of chess equipment
11:00 – 13:00 Anti‐cheating guidelines for Arbiters
Nov. 16
09:00 – 11:00 Regulations for the rating and the over‐the‐board titles
11:00 – 12:30 Regulations for the titles of the Arbiters
12:30 – 13:00 Use of Electronic clocks
Nov. 17
09:00 – 11:00 System of games and tie breaks
11:00 – 13:00 Swiss system and pairing rules
Nov. 18
09:00 – 13:00 Examination

105th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Zone 4.5)
Nov 22 – Nov 24 all-day
105th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (Zone 4.5)
The 105th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 22/11/2021 to 24/11/2021 by the Zone 4.5 Chess Association, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Dharmendra, Kumar (IND), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Murimi, Simbarashe (ZIM). Technical Organizer will be FA Mahomole, Mahlodi Joe (RSA).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.


Monday 22nd November 2021 (09:00 – 16:00 SAST)
09:00 – 12:00, FIDE Laws of Chess.
Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00, FIDE Laws of Chess
15:00 – 16:00Arbiters’ titles regulations. (effective from July 2021)

Tuesday 23rd November 2021 (09:00 – 16:00 SAST)
09:00 – 12:00, FIDE competition rules and setting DGT clocks.
Lunch Break
13:00 – 16:00, Pairing rules, Swiss System and Tie-Break Systems

Wednesday 24th November (09:00 – 16:00 SAST)

09:00 – 11:00, Rating & Title Regulations. (effective from February 2021)
11:00 – 12:00, Hybrid and online regulations
13:00 – 14:00 , Anti-Cheating Guidelines
14:00 – 16:00, Arbiters’ titles regulations. (effective from July 2021)

Thursday 25th November (09:00 – 13:00 SAST)

17:00 – 21:00, FIDE Examination Test
106th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Asian Chess Federation)
Dec 3 – Dec 5 all-day
106th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (Asian Chess Federation)

The 106th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 3/12/2021 to 5/12/2021 by the Asian Chess Federation and South Asian Chess Council, , under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abundo, Casto (PHI), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Md Haroon or Rashid (BAN), FIDE Lecturer. Technical Organizer will be IA/IO Chan, Kwai Keong (HKG).

The language of the Seminar will be English.

The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.

3 Dec. 2021: 09:00-15:00
Laws of Chess including Online Regulations

4 Dec. 2021: 09:00-15:00
Tournament Rules, System of Games, Tie Breaks, Swiss System and Pairing Rules

5 Dec. 2021: 09:00-15:00
Regulations for Rating and Title, Regulations for Arbiter titles, Anti-cheating Guidelines

108th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (America Continental Association)
Dec 11 all-day
108th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (America Continental Association)

The 108th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 11/12/2021 to 19/12/2021 by the CCA – America Continental Association (CCA Events Commission and CCA Arbiters Commission), under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer will be IA/IO Bond, Hal (CAN), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA de San Vicente, Sabrina (URU). Technical Organizer will be IO Lima, Darcy (BRA).

The language of the Seminar will be English.

The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.


11th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Laws of Chess

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) –  Types of Tournament / Tie Breaks

12th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Laws of Chess

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) – Pairing

18th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Titles & Rating

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) – Pairings/Arbiter Titles/Anti Cheating

19th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Clocks/Revision

20:00 to  (GMT) – Exam

108th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (America Continental Association)
Dec 12 all-day
108th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters' Seminar (America Continental Association)

The 108th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 11/12/2021 to 19/12/2021 by the CCA – America Continental Association (CCA Events Commission and CCA Arbiters Commission), under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer will be IA/IO Bond, Hal (CAN), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA de San Vicente, Sabrina (URU). Technical Organizer will be IO Lima, Darcy (BRA).

The language of the Seminar will be English.

The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.


11th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Laws of Chess

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) –  Types of Tournament / Tie Breaks

12th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Laws of Chess

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) – Pairing

18th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Titles & Rating

20:00 to 21:00 (GMT) – Pairings/Arbiter Titles/Anti Cheating

19th December 2021

16:00 to 19:00 (GMT) – Clocks/Revision

20:00 to  (GMT) – Exam