The 159th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 15/07/2024 to 18/07/2024 by the Chess Federation of Russia, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Akhmetov, Artiom (RUS), FIDE Lecturer, and the Local Assistant Lecture will be IA/IO Staratorzhskiy, Vladimir (RUS).
The language of the Seminar will be Russian.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.
July, 15:
10.00-13.00: Laws of Chess
14.00-16.30: Laws of Chess
17.00-19.30: Rapid, Blitz, Appendices
July, 16:
10.00-13.00: Tournament Systems, Tie Breaks
14.00-16.30: Swiss Pairings Theory
17.00-19.30: Swiss Pairings Practice
July, 17:
10.00-13.00: Tournament Rules, Roles of Arbiter, Fair Play Regulations
14.00-16.30: Rating Regulations
17.00-19.30: Title Regulations
July, 18:
10.00-13.00: Use of Electronic Clocks, Arbiter Title
14.00-18.00: Examination
18.30-19.30: Review Q&A