A FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized in mixed format from 7/9/2022 to 11/9/2022 in Mamaia, Romania, by the Romanian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The venue of the Seminar will Playing hall of WYCC2022, Mamaia, Romania.
The Lecturer will be IA Freyd, Laurent (FRA), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA Nicula, Dinu-Ioan (ROU).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.
September 7th:
9:00-13:00 Laws of Chess
September 8th:
9:00-13:00 Laws of Chess, Swiss System
September 9th:
9:00-13:00 Arbiters Regulations, Rating, Titles
September 10th
9:00-13:00 Fair Play Regulations, Tie Break, Tournaments
September 11th:
9:00-13:00 Exam