152nd Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (SCO)

The 152nd Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 23/02/2024 to 25/02/2024 by the Chess Scotland Arbiters’ Committee and Scotland Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA McFarlane, Alex H (SCO), FIDE Lecturer.
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.
Laws of Chess Friday 23rd 18.00-22.00
Laws of Chess Saturday 24th 10.00-12.00
Chess Clocks Saturday 24th 12.15-13.00
Title Regulations Sat 2413.30-14.30
Arbiter Titles Sat 14.30-15.00
Rating Regulations Sat 15.00-16.30
FIDE Pairing Sat 16.45-19.00
FIDE Pairing Sunday 10.00-10.30
Systems of Games/Competition Rules Sun 10.30-11.30
Tie-breaks Sun 11.30-12.30
Fair Play Sun 12.30-13,00
Revision Sun 14.00-15.00
Exam Sun 15.00-19.00