Arbiters’ Database

Use the file below to consult the list of FIDE and International Arbiters, as well as National Arbiters declared by federations.

List of Arbiters 22-07-2024
Transition notice:

Our ambition is to be able to include arbiters administrative data directly on the arbiter’s profile on the FIDE website, however this feature isn’t available yet. So, we opted for a first step which is transitioning from several distinct lists to a single file displaying various data together:

– Title
– Category
– Licensing level
– Inactive flag

This is sorted by the federation, then by arbiter name.

While we expect the current file to correspond to an exact merge of all lists previously published and to reflect reality, we are speaking of almost 13000 entries currently being checked and there might be some gaps. We appreciate your understanding and collaboration in case you identify anything wrong with the list.

You can also consult lists of FIDE and International arbiters from the FIDE website:

International Arbiter | FIDE Arbiter |