FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Ramat Hasharon, ISRAEL

seminar logoFrom 17 to 19 July 2017 a FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar was organized in Ramat Hasharon, Israel, by the Israel Chess Federation and under auspices of FIDE.

The lecturer was IA Almog Burstein (ISR), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturers were IA Dr. Shlomo Kandelshine and IM Israel Gelfer.

Ten (10) people from Israel participated in the Seminar and all of them participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and will be awarded a norm for the title or the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Congress:

Igor Golberg ISR 2804670
Michael Sorin                   ISR 2805030      
Yonatan Blatt                   ISR 2823225

IA Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission