104th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Egyptian Chess Federation – English)
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November 4, 2021 – November 7, 2021 all-day
100 EUR, 50 for students, special reduced rates for (women, disabled and unemployed)
+201141412985; +249918309064

The 104th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 4/11/2021 to 7/11/2021 by the Tatweer Chess Academy (T.C.A.) and Egyptian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abdulrahim, Mahdi (UAE), FIDE Lecturer and Technical Organizer will be FA Ali, Obay (SUD).
The language of the Seminar will be English.
The Seminar will give norms and titles of FIDE Arbiter, according to the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters.
Thursday 4th November 2021 (17:00 – 21:30 GMT)
17:00 – 18:45, FIDE Laws of Chess. (Standard, Rapid & Blitz)
19:00 – 20:30, New laws and regulations. (Cases)
20:45 – 21:30, Arbiters’ titles regulations. (effective from July 2021)
Friday 5th November 2021 (17:00 – 22:30 GMT)
17:00 – 18:30, Basics of organizing events and FIDE competition rules
18:45 – 20:15, Tournament Regulations, and setting DGT clocks.
20:30 – 22:30, Pairing rules, Swiss System and Tie-Break Systems
Saturday 6th November 2021 (17:00 – 23:00 GMT)
17:00 – 19:00, Rating Regulations and players titles. (effective from February 2021)
19:15 – 20:45, Hybrid and online regulations, and Anti-Cheating Guidelines
21:00 – 23:00, Case-Studies, debatable situations, and F.A.Q.
Sunday 5th November 2021 (17:00 – 21:00 GMT)
17:00 – 21:00, FIDE Examination Test.