FIDE Arbiters` Commission letter to all National Federations. Extended the deadline for submitting applications for 44th Olympiad.

logo arb commissionFIDE Arbiters` Commission sent a letter to all National Federations regarding the new activities of the Arbiters Commission in 2020 to enhance mutual cooperation. You can find the text of the letter below.
Until now we received applications from 426 arbiters representing 127 federations (about 74% of the 171 federations having at least 1 IA or FA) and we decided to extend the deadline until the 7th of February 2020.
If you are interested, please send your application by email to, and with the following elements :
– your chess arbiter resume
– the list of languages that you can speak and your level of proficiency
– which role you would prefer in the team

Letter from Arbiters’ Commission

To: Presidents and Leadership of National Chess Federations

Strasbourg, 28 January 2020

Dear chess friends,

The FIDE Arbiter’s Commission wishes to thank you for the great cooperation we received from your federation in 2019! We are in touch with many of you every Monday as we reinforced foundation processes like arbiter’s licensing and title application review. In all occasions we met great responses from your teams!
As the year 2020 starts, we are moving one step further to increase the collaboration with federations and the quality we expect to deliver in the arbiter sector. I am writing to you about three subjects where we can act together and the commission is looking forward to increased collaboration:

Increasing connections
Knowing our main contacts for arbiter matters at national level is key for development. Please share with us a few elements and contact details about the sector in your federation:
– is there a national commission for arbiters?
– who is head of arbiters in your Federation (name, official title, email, picture, for publication on the FIDE Directory)?
This will help being better connected and support coming initiatives in synergy with you.

Preparing the Olympiads 2020
A call of interest was published on 18th December 2019 to collect inputs from arbiters all over the world about their desire to participate in the coming Olympiad in Moscow. This was a real success as more than 400 arbiters responded, from 122 countries. As the final selection process is still being designed with the Global Strategy Commission and FIDE management, this gives us the opportunity to:
– extend the deadline until the 7th of February 2020
– share with you about applications from your federation

Training chess arbiters
Training of arbiters is a critical step in the development of our sector. In 2019, we harmonised the structure of exams in FIDE Arbiter seminars. This will help having a more standardised FA Title. Starting 2020, we will use seminars also to increase interactions with the Commission. As you know, the assistant lecturer of a seminar shall come from the host Federation and we want to use this requirement as an extra opportunity to strengthen collaboration. We will connect with assistants and local arbiters’ councils to help better understand local contexts and adapt our training offer for the future.

Thank you for your support in developing the chess arbiter sector!

We are looking forward to getting your prompt feedback, addressed to, and !

Gens una sumus

Laurent FREYD
ARB – FIDE Arbiters Commission