Arbiters Workshop in Arabic (Asian Chess Federation) – Report

A FIDE Arbiters Online Workshop in Arabic was held 14th to 16th April 2022 on Zoom.

The Asian Chess Federation Academy organized it under the auspices of the FIDE Arbiters Commission. The Workshop had free entry for the all participants.

The opening session was attended by Laurent Freyd (Chairman of the FIDE Arbiters Commission).

The Workshop was conducted by FIDE Lecturers IA Abdulrahim Mahdi (UAE), IA Omar Salama (ISL) and IA Hassan Khaled (EGY).

The Workshop was moderated by Hisham Al Taher, UAE (Asian Chess Federation General Secretary), and the organizing committee members were IA Casto Abundo, PHI (ACF Executive Director), and IA Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, IRI (Rules Commission Secretary).

The Language of the Workshop was Arabic.

Daily lectures were from 13.00-17.00 Dubai Time (+4 GMT).  The total sessions were (12) Hours.

Schedule: 3 sessions were held on the following schedule:

1-5pm Dubai time, Thursday, 14 April,
Updates to Laws of Chess, Online Regulations by IA/IO Mahdi Abdulrahim, UAE (RC Chairman)
1-5pm Dubai time, Friday, 15 April 2022,
Titles of Arbiters, Fair Play by IA/IO Omar Salama, ISL (AC Councillor)
1-5pm Dubai time, Saturday, 16 April 2022,
Changes to Title and Rating Regulations by IA/IO Hassan Khaled, EGY

(RC Councillor)

Seventy-One (71) participants attended from Seventeen (17) Arab Federations, (Males: 59 – Females: 12). There were thirty-Three (33) from Arab Africa, and Thirty-Eight (38) from Arab Asia. There were from:

BRN(2), IRQ(14), JOR(1), KSA(4), KUW(1), LBN(2), OMA(1), PLE(1), SYR(3), UAE(1), YEM(1), ALG(3), EGY(13), LBA(9), MAR(6), SUD(5), and TUN(4).