123rd Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Panama Chess Federation) – Report

The 123rd Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Panama Chess Federation) was held from 19th to 21st November 2022. It was organized by the Panama Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer was IA Lopez-Chavez Marino, Barbara (CUB), FIDE Lecturer and Local Assistant Lecturer was FA Murillo Subia, Agustin (PAN).

The Language of the Seminar was Spanish.

Twenty five (25) arbiters from ten (10) federations (ARG, BOL, COL, CRC, DOM, ESA, ESP, MEX, PAN and PER) participated in the Seminar, and twenty four (24) participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Council:

FIDE IDName (as on FIDE Profile) FED
4434846Ospina Gaviria, Edison ACOL
6403816Henriquez Trinidad, BenjaminDOM
199672Busso, JulianARG
4466330Alzate Marin, GustavoCOL
6601375Cordoba Baule, Rafael AlbertoPAN
143464Escobar, MatiasARG
6613365Morales Aguilar, Samuel EliecerPAN
5191963Padilla Garcia, Martha GiovannaMEX
6600603Chung, YaleikaPAN
3864863Tello Roca, Luis AlbertoPER
6606369Carrera Saldana, Rommel AbdielPAN
6602916Lozano, CarlosPAN
4427009Gomez V, Duvan LeandroCOL
6515290Torres Braiz, Sandra MariaCRC
3339955Montano Zanabria, Erlan DavidBOL
3803392Bendayan Claros, AaronESP