FIDE Arbiters’ Corner – Introduction

Dear Chess Friends,

We are pleased to announce the introduction of “Arbiters’ Corner” on our webpage.  Here we will share with you a variety of interesting topics including case studies, opinions of experienced arbiters, etc.

By doing this we can improve the knowledge and understanding of chess for the benefit of not only arbiters but players and organizers too.  Every week we want to publish a new situation.  Your contribution, sent to, will be welcomed.  We will publish not only articles, but will try to give the correct answer to questions from you on how to solve problems which have come up at your events.  In this way we intend to help not just you but others too.

Our goal is to increase the level of all chess arbiters as, we believe, every arbiter should study and refresh his or her knowledge on a regular basis.  Discussing problems and situations that have arisen in competition is a great way to do this as it is both practical and educational.

The first article was prepared by IA Gerhard Bertagniolli, the member of the ARB Commission. Author deals with the topic of new “certificate of title result” – IT1.

Please, visit the following link >>>

IA Ivan Syrovy, ARB Chairman