11th IA Seminar – Report

The 11th Internet Based International Arbiter Certification Seminar was held from 13th to 14th December 2024. It was organized by the FIDE Arbiters’ Commission, under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturers Lecturers were IA Nikolopoulos, Panagiotis (GRE) and IA Gopakumar M S (IND), both FIDE Lecturers.

The Language of the Seminar was English.

Twenty-five (25) arbiters from thirteen (13) national federations (CHN, EGY, ESP, GRE, IND, ITA, LBN, MEX, PHI, POL, SGP, TUR, and ZIM) participated in the Seminar, and all of them participated in the evaluation test that was held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the International Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Council:

FIDE IDName (as on FIDE Profile)FED
25913689Aditya Kumar DwivediIND
5261503Abaro, John EricPHI
45023786Jeyam Subbaiah CIND
46603697Dhanasekaran VairamaniIND
4273613Tzegka, IsminiGRE
24564575Herreros Villalba, Ana MariaESP
5115620Garcia Morales, GasparMEX
21071888Kasperek, PawelPOL
88157504M AlameluIND
45022593Riya KaushalIND
5302137Jawhar, OussamaLBN
5008050Ameer, P.S.IND
876755Gisolini, MicheleITA
11001330Chimbamu, VictorZIM
34542728Karakose, HasanTUR
5067855Jitendra, SharmaIND
10625976Mahmoud, Hosam EldinEGY
2270226Garcia Fernandez, ManuelESP
44508344Engel, YaseminTUR
5040310Janani JIND
8606820Zhao, YalunCHN
25152203Nirmal DasIND
34597662Akin, EmrahTUR

Ivan Syrovy, ARB Chairman

Nebojsa Baralic, ARB Secretary

Alex McFarlane, Leader of the ARB Education Team