107th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Iraq Chess Federation)
The 107th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar is going to be organized from 17/12/2021 to 21/12/2021 by the Iraq Chess Federation and Asian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.
The Lecturer will be IA/IO Abdulrahim, Mahdi (UAE), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer will be IA/IO Dhafer, Abdul Ameer Madhloom (IRQ) and IA/IO Asaad, Ismael Tawfeeq (IRQ). Technical Organizer will be IA/IO Chan, Kwai Keong (HKG).
The language of the Seminar will be Arabic.
17th December 2021
17:00 to 19:30 Laws of Chess (Standard, Rapid, Blitz)
19:40 to 20:10 Laws of Chess (Standard, Rapid, Blitz)
20:20 to 22:00 Laws of Chess (Standard, Rapid, Blitz)
18th December 2021
17:00 to 19:30 Laws of Chess (Practice-Case’s)
19:40 to 20:10 Laws of Chess (Practice-Case’s)
20:20 to 22:00 Laws of Chess (Practice-Case’s)
19th December 2021
17:00 to 19:30 Tournament Regulation
19:40 to 20:10 Tie-Break Systems
20:20 to 22:00 Swiss System
20th December 2021
17:00 to 19:30 Rating Regulations
19:40 to 20:10 Title Regulations
20:20 to 22:00 Anti-Cheating (Fair Play)
21st December 2021
The examination Test is open from 18:00 – 21:00 pm (Baghdad Time).