Changes of the article 11.3.b.of the Laws of Chess
To all Arbiters:
Dear Colleagues,
During the 2014 Tromso FIDE Congress the Rules Commission, in order to reflect to the Anti cheating Committee’s request, altered the wording of the article 11.3.b.
The following was included in the Minutes of the Tromso Anti Cheating Committee Meeting of the 8 August 2014:
c. The Rules Commission reported that they have altered Law 11.3b in the Laws of Chess to reflect the request of the ACC. The new text reads:During a game, a player is forbidden to have a mobile phone, electronic means of communication or any device capable of suggesting chess moves on their person in the playing venue. However, the rules of the competition may allow such devices to be stored in a player’s bag, as long as the device is completely switched off. A player is forbidden to carry a bag holding such a device, without permission of the arbiter.If it is evident that a player has such a device on their person in the playing venue, the player shall lose the game. The opponent shall win. The rules of a competition may specify a different, less severe, penalty. The arbiter may require the player to allow his/her clothes, bags or other items to be inspected, in private. The arbiter or a person authorized by the arbiter shall inspect the player and shall be of the same gender as the player. If a player refuses to cooperate with these obligations, the arbiter shall take measures in accordance with Article 12.9.The final decision to make this change to the Laws of Chess shall be made by the 2014 FIDE General Assembly.
The above change was not possible to be approved by the Tromso FIDE General Assembly because of lack of quorum and it is going to be approved by the next FIDE General Assembly.
As the change is very significant and as the period until the next FIDE General Assembly will take place is too long, FIDE suggested that the Arbiters shall apply the above change of the article 11.3.b of the Laws of Chess during all their tournaments that will be held from now on.
Therefore you are instructed to apply the above wording of the article 11.3.b. of the Laws of Chess in all your tournaments, starting from 1 October 2014.
The interpretation of this change is as follows:
In minor chess tournaments, where the players is not possible to leave their mobiles out of the playing hall and the organizers cannot provide an area for collecting the mobiles of all the players during the rounds, the Arbiters have the possibility to apply the new wording of the article 11.3.b., allowing the players to have their mobile phones in their bags, but completely switched off.
The player shall inform the Arbiter before the start of the round, in case that a completely switched off mobile phone, or any electronic mean of communication, or any other device capable of suggesting chess moves is in his/her bag.
All the above shall be included in the rules of competition (tournament regulations) of the specific event in advance. The Chief Arbiter may make an announcement before the start of the round.
This possibility will not be valid for the World and Continental FIDE events.
With best regards,
Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission