FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Panama City, PANAMA

seminar logoFrom 11th to 13th September 2015 a FIDE Arbiters´ Seminar was organized in Panama City, Panama, by the Panama Chess Federation and the Commission for Women´s Chess, under the auspice of FIDE.

The lecturer was IA Barbara Lopez Chavez Marino (CUB), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant lecturer was FA Roquelina Fandino Reyes (CUB).

The lectures were given in Spanish language.

Eighteen (18) people from Panama and Cuba participated in the Seminar.

All of the participants took an examination test that was held at the end of the lectures. The following succeeded in the test and will be awarded a norm for the FIDE Arbiter title and after the approval of the next FIDE Congress:

NAME                                                               FED
Eloisa del Carmen Montilla Brayan          PAN
Miriam Martinez Perez                               CUB
Juan Ramon Collantes Collantes             PAN
Eduardo Radames Riquelme Quintero   PAN
Cesar Augusto Riquelme Pereira            PAN
Nataniel Ulises Pinzón                                PAN

IA Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission