2018 FIDE Arbiters’ Commission Councilors’ Meeting

Dear chess friends,

The 2018 FIDE Arbiters’ Commission Councilors’ Meeting will be held in Athens, Greece, in the period 29, 30 June and 1 July 2018.

You can find the Agenda of the Meeting here.

Federations and individuals who are interested to send proposals to be discussed in the Meeting and in the next FIDE Congress Arbiters’ Commission Meeting, are kindly requested to send them to the FIDE Arbiters’ Commission (Chairman Takis Nikolopoulos, e-mail: takisnik@yahoo.com and Secretary Aris Marghetis, e-mail: arismarghetis@rogers.com ), not later than 15 May 2018.

Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission