61st INTERNET based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Arabic language

seminar logoFrom 25 to 29 July 2018 the 61st INTERNET based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar was organized, by the Arab Chess federation, in cooperation with the Sharjah Chess Club (UAE) and under auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer of the seminar was IA Mahdi Abdulrahim (UAE), FIDE Arbiters’ Commission Councilor and FIDE Lecturer and the Technical Organizer was IA Mihail Prevenios (GRE)

The lectures were in Arabic language.

Fifty (50) people from ten (10) federations (UAE, OMA, MTN, KSA, PLE, SYR, LBN, IRQ, MOR and EGY) participated in the Seminar and thirty three (33) of them participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Congress:

Surname, First name FED FIDE ID S
 Salman Ahmed Salman Alduri IRQ 4800664 M
Shamieh, Sara LBN 5302196 F
 Abdalnaseer Y.A.Abusharar PLE 11502967 M
Al Waleed Khaled Mahmoud Abu Hasan PLE 11505656 M
MohammedS.S.Ashour PLE 11502991 M
Abu Sharar, Layla T PLE 11510374 F
Derbas, Omar SH PLE 11510331 M
AlJadili, Mohammad Z PLE 11510358 M
Almassri A.A.Belal PLE 11504579 M
Emad T.S.Miqdad PLE 11502975 M
Al Musharrafi, Ali OMA 22000747 M
Sharari, Hasan PLE 11509228 M
Sattar, J. Al-Isawi IRQ 4801121 M
Abu.Zaid Atef PLE 11506962 M
Madwas, Ahmed KSA 21513112 M
Eljaru, Kamal A PLE 11510340 M
Sharif, Salem PLE 11501448 M
Hamad, Mohammad LBN 5302315 M
Sarmad, Mohammed Qaseem Sulaiman IRQ 4808037 M
Dawood, Abdullah UAE 9301976 M
Abu Jabal, Mazen A PLE 11510323 M
 Abdelbaset, Taqieddin PLE 11501430 M
Hasem.Y Alshaer PLE 11507772 M
Al Ghamdi,Faisal S KSA 21514143 M
Al Mutairi,Turki N KSA 21514151 M
Othman, Jihad Y PLE 11510315 M
Ghazi, Hamed PLE 11500832 M
Elhaj Kassem, Mahmoud PLE 11510307 M
Haddad, Suad B PLE 11510285 F
IA Takis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission