FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Yangon, MYANMAR


From 6 to 11 October 2011 a FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar was organized in Yangon, Myanmar, by the Myanmar Chess Federation and under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation and FIDE.

The lecturer was IA Casto Abundo (PHI), ACF Deputy President and FIDE Lecturer.

The lectures were in English language.

20 people from Myanmar and Thailand participated in the Seminar and 16 of them participated in the in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm or the FIDE Arbiter title, after the approval of the next FIDE Congress:

No.      FIDE ID       Name                  Sex      Title       Fed

1         13002864   Thandar Aye Win       F     WFM    MYA               
2                               Sant Pongkiettisak   M         –      THA                
3         13002880   Zinmar Min Than        F      WFM   MYA                
4         13002767   Sie Thu                         M       –         MYA                
5         13000446   Kyaw Kyaw Soe          M       FM     MYA               
6         13002872   Tin Lay Shwe               F     WFM     MYA               
7         13000403   Myo Zaw Min               M       FM     MYA               
8         13000098   Zaw Win Lay                M      GM      MYA               
9                               Nay Win                        M         –       MYA

10                             La Pye Minn                M         –       MYA                

IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos


FIDE Arbiters’ Commission