COMMISSION for WOMEN’S CHESS 16th Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar

seminar_logoFrom 21 to 27 May 2012 the 16th Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar was held, organized by the Commission for Women’s Chess, under the auspices of FIDE.

The lecturer of the seminar was IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos (GRE), FIDE Arbiters’ Commission’s Chairman and FIDE Lecturer.

The Technical Organizer and Assistant Lecturer was IA Mihail Prevenios (GRE).

The Lectures were in English language.

Twenty six (26) people (14 women, 12 men) from Australia, Malaysia, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Italy, Costa Rica, Greece, Iran, Panama, Mexico, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, USA and Botswana attended the seminar on Internet. Fourteen (14) of them participated in the examination test that was held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and will be awarded a norm for the title of FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Congress:

Caruso, Augusto (ITA)

Kontoyannis, Christos (GRE)

Canberg, Engin Yasar (TUR)

Palmitessa, Irene (ITA)

Kenmure, Jamie (AUS)

Calitz, Martha Maria (RSA)

IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos


FIDE Arbiters’ Commission