ARB Training Programme – Sessions 06 & 07
In the last 9 days, 4 new groups, representing 110 arbiters were trained on the Basic Course of the FIDE Online/Hybrid Arbiter Training Programme.
Scheduling is one of the main challenges in this project. With hundreds of participants from all time zones, we rely on volume to plan all sessions and find a slot, without having a predefined list of slots. When participants are registered, either through the FIDE sponsored programme or at their own cost, they receive a survey with several potential dates. Then we plan sessions based on the number of interested arbiters. We made sure that our team of lecturers may cover various schedules, compatible either with colleagues available for training on working days or those who would prefer weekends.
This was done in a view to maximise chances of participants to find a session which would be as suitable as possible with their own calendar. So far, the system is working pretty well, as we are ready to cover over 400 trainees cumulated by mid May.
Thanks to all actors for their flexibility!
Session 06 took place on the 1-2-8-9 May 2021. The following participants attended, cumulating 113 federations in the programme:
Title | Arbiter | Federation |
FA | Al Jamri, Maleeha | BRN |
NA | Alzaid, Zaid | KUW |
IA | Azizi, Khatere | IRI |
IA | Banda Aaron | ZAM |
NA | Bennion, William Robert Raymond | FIJ |
IA | Biryukov, Mikhail | RUS |
IA | Chan, Kwai Keong | HKG |
IA | Chen, Mei Fang Dina | TPE |
FA | Damir, Talapker | KGZ |
IA | Dharmendra, Kumar | IND |
NA | Dubois, Martine | MNC |
NA | Fungirayiini Mushaninga | ZIM |
NA | Getachew dessalegn tirore | ETH |
IA | Gibbons, Robert | NZL |
IA | Gyomber, Tamas | HUN |
IA | Hashemi, Amir Erfan | IRI |
IA | Howie, Andrew | SCO |
FA | Kamalov, Jakhongir | UZB |
IA | Lekhlifa, Mohamed | MTN |
IA | Murimi, Simbarashe | ZIM |
NA | Nascimento, Alexandre Fernandes | ANG |
FA | Nezad, Husein Aziz | QAT |
FA | Omar, Ibrahim Hussain Al-anssary | IRQ |
IA | Prokopova, Jirina | CZE |
IA | Raimbert, Ronald | MRI |
IA | Shenvi, Nitin | IND |
IA | Tan, Tian Wah | SGP |
IA | Ton, That Nhu Tung | VIE |
Session 07 took place on the 1-2-8-9 May 2021. The following participants attended, cumulating 122 federations in the programme:
Title | Arbiter | Federation |
FA | Abdelgadir, Samir | SUD |
IA | Barrios Lara, Adolfo Gerardo | CHI |
NA | Bastidas Rodriguez, Jaime | ECU |
FA | Ben Yahya, Larbi | MAR |
NA | Cajamarca Males, Andres | ECU |
IA | Carapinha, Francisco Manuel | CPV |
FA | Chowdhury, Mahmuda Hoque | BAN |
FA | Driza, Arta | ALB |
IA | Fahim, M. Farouk | EGY |
IA | Farhan, Naseer Jasim Alhasnawi | IRQ |
IA | Garay Munoz, Mario Gerardo | HON |
NA | Hernandez, Juan Carlos | HON |
NA | Jallow, Jalamang | GAM |
IA | Jerdy, Rafael Rafic Roncoli | BRA |
FA | Lee, John Anthony | GUY |
NA | Lozano, Carlos | PAN |
NA | Merchant, Dennis | SKN |
FA | Nassar, Askold | EST |
FA | Ntagasigumwami, Deo | BDI |
NA | Persaud, Yolander | GUY |
NA | Powell Malcolm | CAY |
IA | Segovia, Luis Alberto | BOL |
NA | Sokhna, Serigne Mactar | SEN |
FA | Stajic, Petar | SRB |
NA | Tracey, Shaun | CAY |
FA | Wanjiru, Moses Maina | KEN |
NA | Williams, IzBen Cordinal | SKN |