Call of Interest – Daily Update
The call of interest for Arbiters to be eligible for selection in World Events is open during a full month (10/11 to 10/12/2021).
Deadline extended to the 15th of January 2022.
We thought it would be interesting to follow the progress, so the following graphs will be updated daily as we receive initial emails of interest. Each Arbiter will then have to fill in a survey so that we may collect more qualitative details about each applicant.
Come and visit us daily to follow the progress!
Answers displayed on the World Map
133 federations represented by the deadline (15/01/2022). Well done!
Note: If your federation doesn’t display properly on the map, it may be due to translation between the FIDE Federation Code and the geographical country name. Please contact us and we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible.
Daily progress, split by continent
Split of answers by gender, continent and title/category
Alphabetical list of answers received
You may click on a column header to change the sorting of data (for instance to display arbiters grouped by federation)
***** NOTE: Deadline for federations to submit their comments: 24/01/2022 *****