Call of Interest: Arbiters positions in FIDE Events 2023

Dear chess friends, International and FIDE arbiters,

The FIDE Arbiters’ Commission is proud to continue a process for the selection of Arbiters in World Events! We start right now this call of interest for FIDE World events in 2023. It is addressed to arbiters categorized in all panels (Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow).

Arbiters from Green, Blue and Red panel may be appointed to different roles in World Events, and they will send their interest via Chamilo (the invitation will be sent to the e-mail addresses of arbiters). 

A separate survey will be addressed to members of the Yellow panel, for match/floor arbiter roles. Arbiters from Yellow panel can include their interest in this link:

Please fill in this survey to help us identify your wishes and availability for the World Events scheduled in 2023. This will help the Arbiters’ Commission and Events/GSC commissions to work together on the selection of arbiters in World Events.

The call of interest is open from April 24th 2023 to May 7th 2023, 23:59 CEST. Any email received after the deadline will be disregarded.

Gens una sumus!

FIDE Arbiters’ Commission