147th Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Confederation of Chess for Americas – CCA) – Report

The 147th Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (CCA) was held from 8th to 10th December 2023. It was organized by the Confederation of Chess for Americas – CCA, under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer was IA Marghetis, Aris (CAN), FIDE Lecturer, and the Assistant Arbiter was IA Munoz Solis, Carolina (CRC), Lecturer Training Programe.

The Language of the Seminar was English.

Seventeen (17) arbiters from fifteen (15) national federations participated in the Seminar, and fifteen (15) arbiters participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Council:

FIDE IDName (as on FIDE Profile) FED
8200521dos Ramos, RosangelaSUR
7700768Johnson, JoshuaTTO
6503306Zumbado Gutierrez, Marco AntonioCRC
7404719Powell MalcolmCAY
93800045Thomas, LarryDMA