5th and 6th IA Seminars are open for registration!

Dear chess arbiters and especially FIDE arbiters,

According to the FIDE Regulations for the training of chess arbiters, starting from January 1st 2024, each application for IA arbiter requires one norm from IA Seminar. The duration of the IA Seminar shall be a minimum of sixteen (16) hours on at least two (2) days.

The ARB Commission organized four IA seminars, and in a very short time 95 FIDE arbiters participated.

Considering the great interest in IA Certification Seminars, we are pleased to announce the organization 5th and 6th seminar in May and June.


5th On-line IA Seminar will be held in May 25th – May 26th 2024

25th May: 09.00 to 13.00  CEST and 15.00 to 19.00 CEST
26th May: 09.00 to 13.00  CEST and 15.00 to 19.00 CEST

Lecturers for fifth Seminars are IA Takis Nikolopoulos (GRE) and IA Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh (IRI).


6th On-line IA Seminar will be held in June 22nd – June 23rd 2024

22nd June: 14.00 to 18.00  CEST and 19.00 to 23.00 CEST
23rd June: 14.00 to 18.00  CEST and 19.00 to 23.00 CEST

Lecturers for sixth Seminars are IA Shohreh Bayat (ENG) and IA Sabrina de San Vicente (URU).

Entry fees for the IA Seminar: 130 €

Contact and registration: Nebojsa Baralic, FIDE ARB Secretary (secretary.arbiters@fide.com)

The organization of the seminar will continue in the following months.

Ivan Syrovy, ARB Chairman

Nebojsa Baralic, ARB Secretary

Alex McFarlane, Leader of the ARB Education Team