Obituary for ΙΑ/IO Johann, Gregor (1969-2024)

With great sadness the FIDE Arbiters’ Commission was informed that IA Gregor Johann passed away on 23 August 2024. The Commission expresses its sincere condolences to his family and to the German Chess Federation.

Gregor was a Member of FIDE Rules Commission and an active International Arbiter.

In Germany he was a highly respected arbiter. As national tournament director for several years he officiated in numerous German championships. Furthermore, he organized many small and large Opens in Germany and was also involved in these as an arbiter.

One of Gregor’s most important tournaments of international level where he acted as Chief Arbiter was probably the FIDE World Rapid Team Championship 2023 in Düsseldorf. He was Chief Arbiter at the top-level event WR-Chess-Masters 2023 and Deputy Chief Arbiter at FIDE World Youth Chess Championship 2023.

In his free time, Gregor undertook challenging hiking tours with his partner IA Sandra Schmidt. He tragically died in an accident during his last tour in Austria on Friday. His next international tournament would have been the Chess Olympiad in Budapest as a match arbiter together with Sandra.

Gregor was always fully committed to his work and was happy to pass on his knowledge to others.

Let him rest in peace.