162nd Internet-based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Asian Chess Federation) – Report

The 162nd Internet Based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar (Asian Chess Federation) was held from 27th to 31th August 2024. It was organized by the Asian Chess Federation, under the auspices of FIDE.

The Lecturer was IA/IO Abdulrahim, Mahdi (UAE).

The Language of the Seminar was Arabic.

Twenty (20) arbiters from eleven (11) federations (EGY, IRI, IRQ, JOR, KSA, LBN, MAR, OMA, PLE, SYR, and UAE) participated in the Seminar, and all of them participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Council:

FIDE IDName (as on FIDE Profile) FED
11510285Haddad, SuadPLE
7603800Obeid, RaghadSYR
22505776Khezrian, NooralzahraIRI
21522812Albeaiji, Saleh Kamel MKSA
54224896Fadi, SemonEGY
4802535Zrng, Salah MohammedIRQ
4810899Amer Hameed KwairIRQ
8121834Nancy Al-NizamiJOR
54242606Salah Nagy, NagyEGY
9005382El Baroudi AbderrahmaneMAR
4803728Hayder Farhan Al- HasnawiIRQ
22000801Al Siyabi, AlyaOMA
10683933Omran, SalahEGY