FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar in Banja Luka (BIH) – Report

From 8th to 13th October 2024, a FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar was organized in Banja Luka, by the Chess Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chess Club “Gambit” Banja Luka, under the auspices of FIDE. The first part of the seminar was held online over 4 sessions and the second part in Banja Luka during a full weekend (12-13 October).

The Lecturer was IA Suhartovic, Branislav (SRB), FIDE Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer was IA Bojovic, Zoran (SRB), FIDE Lecturer, and Local Assistant Lecturer was IA Sipka, Nemanja (BIH).

The Language of the Seminar was English with translation in Serbian.

Twelve (12) arbiters from two (2) federations (BIH and CRO) participated in the Seminar, and eleven (11) participated in the examination test, held after the end of the lectures.

The following succeeded in the test and they will be awarded a norm for the title of the FIDE Arbiter, after the approval of the next FIDE Council:

FIDE IDName (as on FIDE Profile) FED
14533421Jurman, NenadCRO
14504138Ivankovic, IvoCRO